Software Solution Company brings to you the most advanced Real Estate Management Software in the industry. You will know that we are delivering a premium product because our attention to detail is key in the service and functionality of our software. Our hard working and highly skilled developers ensured that you receive a top class service and feel the difference every step of the way. Our software will let you publish your property listings with ease. We provide a very user-friendly interface on the front end and maintain simplicity and consistency of user interfaces throughout the software. The software will allow you to build up massive databases of individual property information with in-depth details without any issues. This doesn’t mean, however, that it will be a problem for small companies by any means. Our software is fully flexible and will only extend as much as you need it to. You will also be able to schedule payments for your properties based on clientele or property area, to suit your requirements. The accounts management part of the software is connected to scheduling, to enable tracking of booking and payment progresses. These two features, working together with our client database management will allow you to develop a healthy relationship with your clients. All the necessary client details will be stored with efficient ease of access in mind.


    Real Estate Software:

  • Easily publish your property / project listings.
  • Any Property

  • Manage your residential sales, rural sales, land sales, commercial sales and property sales all with one easy-to-use interface
  • Share and Manage Your Client Information

  • Manage all of your contacts online in one place so that you or anyone on your team can access them from anywhere at any time.
  • Measure and Optimize Your Business

  • Track your projects from sold out listing, how many are available for sale.


    Manage Your Accounts and Staff

  • Track booking, down payment, installment listings of your sales and get each marketing person sales detail to calculate the marketing performance.
  • Data Library

  • Store data of each individual projects, plotsand flats information.
  • Here you can add client’s all necessary information along with its further modification and delete data option.
  • Make a list of Banks to manage the payment history related with Banks.
  • Give your sales team an advantage to monitor their clients from anywhere via online data records.
  • Collect and keep records of all marketing person information all to gather.


  • Project Record Management
  • Client Accounts Management
  • Marketing & Sales Team Management
  • Client Management System
  • Utility or configuration part
  • Bank Listing & Employee Advance
  • Reports
  • Accounts (Sale a project), How it works:

  • Step 1: Go to add booking, book a project with initial booking amount.
  • Step: 2 Go to booking list, pay down payment amount for that project.
  • Step 3: Go to down payment list, pay the amount of installment.
  • Step 4: For next installment of that project go to installment list, choose the specific project and pay installment.


    Prerequisites of Project Booking:

  • You must have to insert new projects with plot / flat information.
  • Client details must be inserted before booking a project. When add information of any specific client please select individual marketing person/sales concern for that client. It will help to get the marketing sales report accurately.
  • Input your desire Bank names to find it in the booking page Bank information.
  • Expenses / Stock in / Contractor Billing:
  • It’s a multiple entry system based on your company mode. Here user can enter stock info, contractor payment info, expenses head info or can use it for any kind of expenses information maintenance.
  • Just Add here the type you want to use it in this software and you will able to get the report based on that type.
  • After adding expenses information user can modify the quantity/unit, purpose, type etc.


    Payment Scheduling:

  • It’s an advance project payment schedule listing option for client payment tracking. For a complete year user can create a list of schedule for client payment receiving purpose. It includes a print options too for hard copy record keeping.
  • Party Ledger :

  • It’s a standard party ledger option with all client payment options (Booking, down payment and installment) of client. Here the bank information, date of receiving payment, MR number, client detail information, total paid, dues all information are displayed with 2 download options (excel and print) for offline record keeping.
  • Use Panel Management:

  • Marketing:It’s a major advantage of the software of getting unlimited user panel creation option for marketing and clients. Via marketing accounts employees can view own client list, payment updates and connect with other marketing/sales person of the company. Report day to day job details.
  • Client:At client individual panel clients can monitor their purchased project payment updates and keep records of payment history in hard copy also.


  • Marketing Reports
  • Income & Expense Report
  • Project Sold Out Report
  • Individual Expense Report
  • Yearly Income And Expenses Report
  • Project & Plot/Flat Report
  • Client Report
  • Client Phone Number/ID Number Wise Report
  • Utility:
  • Password reset option.
  • Safe Logout.
  • All panel urgent notice, news or branding/promotional offer posting.

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